There is a super hero inside of you

I start every day with some key questions and one of them is:

How can I infuse my day with play?

 Today for play I decided to wear a crop top. (Those that know me very well know this is a BIG deal)

I added extra play by dancing a bit to my favourite mantra music…with the target of not intentionally avoiding my gaze in the. 

Practising what I preach & doing my work to annihilate deeply buried limiting beliefs.💪 

I paired it with my floaty Indian pure silk skirt- YAY for floaty skirts! 😁💖.

As I danced around, I thought about one nourishing healthy food that would get me excited about eating today. I chose watermelon 🍉 😋

 Not content to strut around Indian town to find it without more clothes on…I thought I’d better find something to cover up a bit more.😎 

Tara: “omg that top is so cool, stay there…I’ve got to take a picture, its like a cape!!!”

 Click 📷

 Me: “huh, oh yeah,…hahahaha perfect, my days just got better, today I’m doing to be a super hero all day long!!”

We continued to mess around, talking about our favourite super hero’s…then I had ideas about designing a super hero inspired workshop so did, in fact I designed two! 

These workshops I’ve created inspires men and women to feel the power in their bodies and journey closer to respecting themselves 😍👌

 I’m VERY excited about putting this on the calendar for 2019! Keep your eyes peeled for that.

 This scenario was all play, but on a serious note I’ve always believed a hero can be ANYONE.  

Even someone doing something seemingly simple like cleaning the bathroom.

 And those of you that’s been to a dirty stinky public toilet 😷💩, know that is a fact!!!

If its one thing I can’t stand, its the injustice of people thinking they are less than another 😡

Seeing men and women feel disrespected & unappreciated lead’s my heart to sink 👇

We all are different, and in our differences lays beauty and power.

I envision us all together with our differences like a complex jigsaw puzzle that forms the most beautiful picture when the prices slot together in harmony.

So guys…why not ask yourself:

How can I infuse my day with some play?

Then observe how this lights you up, observe how powerful that light feels…then go put on your cape & be a super hero!!

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