Awakened King Codes

A successful man decides and commits. He invests in himself. He recruits the necessary into his life so that he can lay firm foundations with the bricks that have been thrown at him. He owns his path, he chooses and commits to love.

An 11-module Online Transformational Program to Align With Sexual power, Express Your Deep Presence and connect to women

Why the Awakened king codes program?

Create a sustainable connection with the women. Feel emotionally resilient and available. Wake up. Reconnect to your divinity. You are a king.

The Awakened king codes program is a 10 module program that guides men on deeply understanding how to channel their innate sexual energy to connect deeply to a woman they desire.

The program pays particular attention to holding space for men embarking on cross cultural relationship and dating dynamics.

Live question and answer calls enable men to share their unique questions surrounding their journey in intimacy and get honest answers backed by real life experience and science.

You will learn how to communicate and love authentically without tearing each other down. You will learn how to explore boundaries without violating them.

You will learn how to balance your energy in a way that makes you feel good in yourself and connected in intimacy with a woman you desire.

Your program modules


Unravel your values, love language and get clear on key aspects of sexual anatomy, and history that influence your intimacy blueprint.


Diffuse common misconceptions, and gain clarity on the feminine. Discover what women desire,

Freedom and trust

Healing your male spirit and dropping toxic beliefs around freedom


Exploring the realms of hornyness, cultural fetishism , porn addiction and edges of sexual experimentation


Understanding your emotions and what your core needs are and setting healthy frameworks around them

Purpose & Privilege and power

Connecting to your path as a man and discovering how you can use the privileges you have to feel respectfully powerful in your love life.


Reclaiming male integrity. Understanding any limiting emotional conditioning and releasing so that you can feel powerful


Leaning into the concept of love in its purity. Clearing out any previous love related shut down and experiencing love in all aspects and throughout your body.


Discover hot sex tips , play and tricks that will tantalise your partner.


How to create your own hybrid culture with your love. Including if you desire a future vision around starting a family

Communication and conflict

Stop playing Mr nice guy , dropping passive aggression and finding channels for heavy emotions including anger. Learn the art of non violent communication.

You are not just any man, you are a king.  Let’s start!

What’s Included

11 Recorded Downloadable Training Modules

Easy accessible knowledge. Enabling you to learn when you want, where you want.

11 LIVE Q&A Training Calls with Dionne eleanor

Get your specific questions answered in person with the founder of intimacy Hacks herself.

10% discount off in person immersions

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Download my 10 Tips for interracial love audioguide!